Deine Mobilität. Dein RVV. #40Jahre.

Nächstes Highlight: Blasmusik-Marathon am 31.08.2024
Schedule Info

Coronavirus: the current situation in the RVV

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Masks are compulsory in buses and trains and at bus stops:
Reduce the risk of infection - protect yourself and others

Video ÖPNV-aber sicher!

Throughout Bavaria, masks are compulsory in public transport, i.e. in all buses, trains and at bus stops.
The main way in which the virus spreads is the so-called droplet infection, in which viruses are spread by coughing, sneezing or even speaking and breathing. Infections can best be avoided by keeping a safe distance or - where this is not possible (throughout) - by covering the mouth and nose. Covering the mouth and nose reduces the amount of viruses and the radius of their spread. Compliance with basic hygiene rules remains important.

You can do this for the health of all passengers on buses and trains.
By clicking on the picture you can view interesting facts about mouth-nose covering in the RVV and basic hygiene instructions in original size. The information flyer is also available for download as a PDF file.

Flyer Hinweis zur Maskenpflicht


Safe school bus transport:
More school buses in the region and timetable changes on inner-city lines

The occurrence of infections also makes special precautionary and hygiene measures necessary when transporting schoolchildren. The space available on heavily frequented lines has been increased, thus providing more distance. Timetables were adjusted.

at the beginning of the school year, das Stadtwerk Regensburg.Mobilität made adjustments to the timetable for individual journeys on RVV lines 3, 7 and 11A. An overview of these timetable changes is available for download: Flyer timetable changes for lines 3, 7 and 11A

Since the beginning of the school year and initially until the Christmas holidays, the district of Regensburg, through its local transport company GFN, has been using booster buses for individual journeys or has ensured that there is sufficient space on school trips through adapted timetables and modified vehicle deployment. These trips were increased on the RVV lines 5, 5A, 16, 21, 24, 26, 30, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 63, 107, 112, 115, 116 and 142. Details of the trips on which booster buses are used:

Line 5
13:05 – 13:43 Uhr Regensburg Goethe-Gymnasium – Sulzbach Dorfplatz (und weiter auf dem regulären Fahrweg bis Wörth Reitfeld)

Line 5A
07:15 – 07:47 Wiesent Ost – Neutraubling Gymnasium

Line 16
13:10 – 14:00 Uhr Regensburg Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium – Bad Abbach Kaiser-Therme

Line 21
07:24 – 07:46 Uhr Direktfahrt ab Thalmassing Raiffeisenbank zu den Schulen in Obertraubling und Neutraubling

Line 24
07:12 – 07:43 Alteglofsheim Schule – Neutraubling Gymnasium

13:01 - 13:29 Uhr Neutraubling Realschule - Köfering Gemeindeplatz
Fahrplananpassung: Der Bus fährt weiter über Alteglofsheim nach Pfakofen.

Line 26
07:02 – 07:25 Sinzing Donaublick – Regensburg Hbf
Angepasster Fahrzeugeinsatz: Großraumbus statt Standardbus

Line 30
13:17 – 14:20 Uhr Regensburg Hbf – Barbing – Neutraubling – Obertraubling – Regensburg Hbf

Line 31
06:57 – 07:25 Uhr Neutraubling Keplerstraße – Regensburg Hbf

Line 33
07:27 – 07:52 Uhr Illkofen bei Barbing – Neutraubling Keplerstraße

Line 34
13:05 – 13:52 Uhr Regensburg Goethestraße – Bernhardswald Gemeindezentrum

Line 41
07:25 – 07:40 Uhr Teublitz Rathaus – Burglengenfeld Gymnasium
16:00 – 16:37 Uhr Regenstauf Schulzentrum – Regensburg Hauptbahnhof (nur Mo-Do)

Line 42
07:15 – 07:30 Uhr Holzheim Dorfplatz – Burglengenfeld Realschule

Line 63
13:01 – 13:31 Uhr Neutraubling Realschule – Tegernheim M.-Luther-Kirche

Line 107
16:15 – 16:39 Uhr Regenstauf Schulzentrum – Danersdorf
Fahrplananpassung: Die Haltestelle Regenstauf Valentinsbad wird zusätzlich bedient.

Line 112
07:20 – 07:50 Uhr Niedergebraching – Neutraubling Gymnasium

13:14 – 13:34 Uhr Obertraubling, Realschule – Niedergebraching, Arglestraße

Line 115
07:02 – 07:35 Uhr Wenzenbach Unterlindhof – Nittenau Bodensteiner Str./Gymnasium
Fahrplananpassung: Die Haltestelle Bernhardswald Siedlung wird zusätzlich bedient.

Line 116
06:55 – 07:32 Uhr Bubach – Regenstauf Schulzentrum
Fahrplananpassung: Die Haltestelle Preßgrund wird zusätzlich bedient.

Line 142
07:00 – 07:57 Uhr Danersdorf – Pielenhofen West
Angepasster Fahrzeugeinsatz: Großraumbus statt Standardbus.
Fahrplananpassung: Der Bereich Laub/Regendorf wird mit bedient (statt Zeitlarn).

07:05 – 07:36 Uhr Steinsberg Ortsmitte – Regenstauf Eckert Schulen
Angepasster Fahrzeugeinsatz (Standardbus statt 20-Sitzer)

07:24 – 07:45 Uhr Regenstauf Schulzentrum – Lappersdorf Gymnasium
Fahrplananpassung: Der Bereich Zeitlarn wird mit bedient (statt Laub/Regendorf)

13:15 – 13:58 Uhr Regenstauf Schulzentrum – Schwetzendorf


Some night buses are running again - restrictions on late services on regional bus routes

The city's night bus lines (N1 - N7) have been running again since 31.07.2020 at 0:30 a.m. in the direction out of town.

For the time being, all late trips on the regional bus lines 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 23, 24, 26/27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42 will be cancelled with departures from 0:00 a.m. at Regensburg main station or at the respective starting point of the line (for trips in the direction of Regensburg). 

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